Sponsor A Youth!

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On a hot summer day, when he was 5 years old, without asking permission, he filled bottles with ice cold water and sold the bottles to neighbors. He came home and proudly showed both little hands full of coins. I said, “where did you get that money!?!” He answered, “I sold water.” “WATER!?! What do you mean you sold water?” His answer was, the neighbors were playing ball and sweating and he knew they wanted something cold to drink so he decided to sell them cold water. That began his selling career. For the next two years, he sold a number of things including lemonade, ice cream, his old toys, and chores. At age 8, he launched his first company – Dollar Chores For Sale.

Today, stories like this one are becoming more and more common. Throughout the US and abroad, youth are starting and running million dollar companies while in middle and high school. But what about youth in the Inland Empire?

Hello! My name is Cynthia Renee Frazier, aka Tech Diva. The boy mentioned in the true story above is my grandson Izaiah. He is now 15 years old. Two years ago he launched his second company – Rare Flip. Together we started the Mini Mogul Club.

The Mini Mogul Club is a life changing business incubator inspiring youth and young adults to create their own economy by earning their own allowance. Participants receive education, training, and mentorship in conjunction with real life hands on experiences where they get to manage results and gain from outcomes. They walk away confident, responsible, take charge TeenPreneurs who understand their full potential including how to translate problems into money making opportunities.

My 2019 goal is to host an exciting showcase and pitch deck competition at the end of the year. Your sponsorship of just $25 per month (total $300) will provide a deserving under resourced youth the opportunity to benefit from club membership. $50 per month means two deserving youth will receive a scholarship, in your name, to the club.

Imagine the impact of this small commitment on the life of a youth or young adult. Your sponsorship will change the trajectory of his/her life. Because of your generosity, a youth who may be destined for poverty, drop out, or even homelessness will now enjoy a long term competitive edge as a result of developing a wealth mindset.

Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for supporting our youth.

Number of Students